Parkway Dental Center is thrilled to be a leading provider of dental crowns and bridges in Minneapolis, MN. Whether you’re having problems with a single tooth or you’ve had one extracted, a dental crown or bridge can be the best way to restore function and aesthetics to your smile. A crown is a ceramic tooth cap that our dentists can place after extensive dental work (such as a root canal), while a dental bridge attaches to the teeth next to a gap. Bridges can be used to replace one or more missing teeth.
Our team of dentistry experts are skilled not only in performing these restorative treatments, but in keeping them functioning well. At our advanced dental lab, we custom-mill each bridge and crown to match the surrounding teeth — and we can do it in as little as 24 hours!
Restore a Single Tooth with a Crown
A dental crown (also called a tooth crown) is a fixed cap that our dentists attach using cement. Most of the time, we will recommend a crown if your tooth is severely chipped, cracked or damaged, or if you have had extensive work done on it. We will take a series of digital scans of your mouth and use these to custom-mill your restoration. A few of the uses of crowns include:
Bring strength back to damaged teeth
Preserve a tooth after a root canal
Improve the size, shape and color of your teeth
Restore a failing dental implant
Use a Bridge to Replace Missing Teeth
A dental bridge is similar to a crown in that it is a cap placed over existing teeth. Unlike a crown, bridges can be used to fill in a gap where a tooth is missing. These restorations attach permanently to the surrounding teeth, and can be an excellent option if you aren’t ready to make the jump to dental implants quite yet. Bridges have a lot of benefits, including:
Improved oral health
Long-term stability and strength
Keeping your teeth in place
Restored aesthetics and function
The Cost of Crowns and Bridges
One of the first questions most patients ask us is “how much will this crown or bridge cost?” Our Parkway family is devoted to providing the highest standard of dental care at affordable prices. The final cost of your restoration will depend on a few factors, including the number of teeth treated and the material you select. Our experts can help you break down this cost, and we partner with most major dental insurance companies to ensure that cost is never a barrier to your care.